‘Real Lives’
Real Lives is an initiative offering young people a chance to share their experiences of looking for work in Islington through photography!
Are you:
Currently looking for work (and not in education or training)?
An Islington resident or Islington care leaver no longer based in the borough?
… if so we’d like to invite you to take part in the ‘Real Lives’ project.
You will be asked to attend 2 workshops and take photographs as a way to share your experi-ences of looking for work in the borough.
We are currently recruiting for workshops taking place in November 2019.
If you’d like to improve employment for young people in the borough and help shape ser-vices, we’d like to hear your views so please get in touch!
Limited spaces available and refreshments will be provided. Participants will be provided with a £40 voucher for taking part.
For more information, or to participate, please contact Roopa Doshi on
Roopa.Doshi@islington.gov.uk / 07813 548968 or Shanti Chingen on
shanti.chingen@islington.gov.uk / 0207 527 5530.
This project is run by Islington Council’s Public Health team in partnership with the Islington Council employment service. No photography experience needed to take part.